Posts tagged ‘Creative Commons’

Replay: Re-blog Month

October 2010 was quite a busy month, so I relied on many other talented bloggers to provide daily design ideas. Before I say anything else, I want to sincerely thank the 31 fantastic blogs that helped me achieve this:

1. Rent.Food.Broke.
2. Daily Dose of Architecture
3. Desire to Inspire
4. UnBeige
5. Cool Hunting
6. Core77
7. Postgreen Homes Blog
8. Brand New
9. Design Squish
10. Axis Maps
11. dezeen
12. Design*Sponge
13. design work life
14. HOW blog
15. Other Oxford
16. in public space we trust
17. GOOD
18. Swiss Miss
19. Modish
20. Design Blahg
21. Ecohaven Project
22. The Donut Project
23. Steven Can Plan
24. Urban Omnibus
25. Streetsblog
26. anArchitecture
27. Ange Tran
28. Life Without Buildings
29. Eye blog
30. Brooklyn Theory
31. The Best Part

To all of you, thank you!! For the words, the images, and the inspiration. FYI: many of these blogs (along with a few others I’ve discovered along the way) now appear in the blogroll to the right.

image from Flickr user cutiepie company (who also has a great Etsy shop by the same name)

It’s also worth noting that the process of seeking out and curating these 31 posts also taught some things about the blog world (to which I am still fairly new). Namely:

a. Lots of blogs don’t have posts on the weekends. Clearly understandable, as many people have other stuff to do. Also possibly a habit that I might consider in the future…

b. Some blogs have really strict Terms of Use policies, which explicitly prohibit any kind of reproduction or sharing, even with attribution. This has caused me to wonder if I should even be quoting teeny little bits of their posts in the future (and also obviously led me to NOT re-blog their posts this month). Here’s to Creative Commons licensing!

c. Only one blogger out of this whole list was put off by my re-blogging. Luckily, I have not been asked to remove the post (though the offer still stands if you change your mind). Seems like people are generally pretty into their ideas being spread. Three cheers for sharing!

d. Googling “design blog” turns up a lot of specifically interior design-based blogs. Makes me wonder if (1) there are just more interior designers with search engine friendly websites than other types of designers, (2) the word “design” directly translates to “interior design” for a significant portion of the blogging community, or (3) something else all together?

e. Everyone links to each other, constantly. I was pretty amazed by how quickly certain ideas pop up all over the place (i.e. Jenny Odel’s Satellite Collection). It turns out quality work really can go viral.

November 1’s daily design idea is I learn best by doing. While admittedly risky, this method is almost always the most beneficial (in my case). Note that I can’t stress enough how much I support figuring out your own learning style.

smaller image above by Flickr user Temari 09

November 1, 2010 at 1:32 am Leave a comment

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